The Junior Academy’s Montessori programs are based on the premise that children have an innate ability to learn and that when supported by an appropriate environment and educator, they are guided through their developmental needs to reach their full potential.
Authentic international Montessori curriculum.
Holistic and open concept natural environment to develop a life long love for learning.
Smart board enhanced learning, state of the art facilities, and international best practices.
Carefully selected qualified teachers supported by professional academic advisors and consultants.
Individual attention in low teacher-student ratios and customized learning.
Customized learning with a focus on multiple intelligence enrichment, fun ‘Got To Know’ Summer camps and activities.
Comprehensive reporting through the exclusive Montessori Compass on set goals and individual achievement.
Offering wholesome family oriented unique Home-In-A-School after-school care.
Opportunities to embark upon project based honors program.
Clean, safe and organized preschool environment dedicated to children ages 1 – 6 years old.

Leading Features
Adherence to international best practices, curriculum, and management. Employment of technology with interactive 75″ touchscreen Smart Board by industry leading company Smart Technologies.

Eco Place
An open concept, compact 3,600 sq ft of a living Montessori with an emphasis on natural lightings, being environment friendly, an exceptionally clean premises amidst a plants & living things filled surrounding.

Healthy Meals
A menu of kid-sized healthy meals by a certified nutritionist is available from a reputable restaurant upon request for all classes except for infants.

Children Safety
Two tier access security system for main classrooms, 12 CCTV security cameras, invisible grills at balcony, fire sprinklers throughout entire school, and turf with industry grade underlay.
What’s Happening
The latest events coming up which includes holiday camps, talks/seminars, coffee mornings, celebrations, parent teacher conferences, parent observation week, concerts, field trips, fire drills, and so on.
“We both went to Montessori school. And I think it was part of that training of not following rules, and orders, and being self motivated, questioning whats going on in the world, doing things a little bit different …”
– Larry Page & Sergey Brin, Founders of Google